Sunday, June 23, 2019

Monday, 17 June 2019 ~ Week #99

Hey folks!!

Just got done with a good, but rather hard week. Basically all of the investigators that we had on the roll in the first week have been busy this week too. It's been a real struggle. I don't feel tired, neither do I feel sad, but I do feel a bit exasperated. Nevertheless, I know that my Heavenly Father has granted me this experience to learn just a little bit more in these last few weeks. I have been in this situation before, so I will strive again to seek more of His guidance and to have His Spirit with me. My companion and I are striving to talk with more people between appointments... not necessarily to find investigators, though we are thinking about that too. We are doing it because we want the Spirit with us.

There are certain things of which the mission work is really comprised, at the heart.  To me, the mission work is: ("Everyday, I want to..."
- To invite others to live a similar way in which I live; to do, know, and feel the things that make me happy.
- To encourage others to take the next step and strive to live like the One like whom I am striving to live.
- To talk with people and to serve them in the way I would that they would serve me.
- To explain to them how Jesus changed me to be the person that I am, to help them get a glimpse of what they can become.
- To help others have experiences with the Spirit, so that they would desire to always have it (Moroni 4:3).
- To explain to them the terms I use which are related with my own spiritual experiences, so that they could understand them with their own words, and have spiritual experiences with those things (the Holy Ghost, peace, forgiveness, prayer, repentance, testimony, priesthood, prophets, Scriptures, the Savior, etc.).

Ether taught that those who have great faith could "have a firm hope in a better world," or in other words a sure knowledge of being surrounded by people who are more spiritual and faithful and kind, who live the principles Christ taught, if we do what is in our reach and control to be a cause. Our example in how we live the Gospel is the loudest statement to others as to how they should live it as well. We can inspire others to live it, and then encourage them to make changes in their own lives to come closer to the Savior. Praying and reading the Book of Mormon are among the most important things, but constantly, in the process, we should be inspiring and inviting others to treat others as the Savior did, so that they might as well, and thus know for sure that every day we are living in "a better world." That is what the Gospel offers to us when we live it. And it is marvelous.

I know that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus lives and continues to direct His church. I know that by Him and through His Atoning sacrifice sinners can be forgiven, and that the impure can be made pure. He is our Savior and Redeemer, and patiently but insistingly encourages all of us, every day, to be more like Him. I know that He is the Christ. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and King. Amen.

Have a beautiful, wonderful week, my brothers and sisters!

Elder Dredge

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Monday, 8 July 2019 ~ Week #102

HELLO EVERYONE!!!! This is officially the last weekly epistle that I will send on my mission! Let me just offer you all a look and how m...