Friday, October 27, 2017

Week #13 ~ Photos

The District

Piano Teaching Equipment
Yet Another Instrument to add to the repetoire

New staple -- homemade tortilla

First Casualty -- Dog bite

The streets of Guatemala City


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Monday, 23 Octobe 2017 ` Week #13

Hello Family and Friends -

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Monday, 16 October 2017 ~ Week #12

Tuesday, 10 October 2017 ~ Week #11

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Monday, 2 October 2017 ~ Week #10

The week after General Conference

When I write these, I go back into my journal just to give account, and I have to say, some times these things feel really long ago. Might I add by distance of time and emotion.

One of these past days was super, well, poopy. Our apartment is probably one of the best in the mission, and yet still.. it has some problems. We needed to get a plunger in this penthouse. Probably an hour, no more than that thankfully, was spent on just fixing it. But then there has been no problems. And there was much rejoicing.

To provide a picture of how it is here, I must say, in plenty, plenty, plenty of areas, it smells like feces. And there really are drunken men who anxiously wait for "gringos" (young men from the States) to pass by so that they could either say "Hey! What time is it!?" or "HEY! Good morning, how are you!" It's kind of funny, to be honest. And at this point I have been offered alcohol twice by said men. Some Elders who live close by lost a bunch of investigators because of a gun threat. Literally the man said, "I have killed Mormons before, and I will kill you both too if you don't stay away." Three quarters of their area was shut down because of this. So that's pretty peligroso! Oh, and I got a nice sweater from the store. Elder Cortes wanted me to get a snapback and shades along with that so I did that too!

Elder Cortes have been seeing some miracles as of late. One of them was this: A young woman (just turned 18) who had been away from home trying to find her birthfather for almost three weeks. We know about her because she had investigated the Church and we have been talking with her mom. We agreed to fast for her return. And she came back, thank Heavens, just this past week. The family is a lot stronger now. This reminded me of the Parable of the Prodigal Son. I'm just happy to know that this young woman finally got back home.

And this past weekend was General Conference. This was a wonderful conference. We have had the chance to invite people to come and watch with us. What this was, was an opportunity for those who don't know a lot about the Church, to gain a closer look at what we really believe. We believe in modern revelation, and that we have a living prophet today. And by the power of the Priesthood, the authority to act in the name of God, the prophet calls Apostles, as even Christ himself organized the Church in His day, as well as other authorities to watch over the areas and stakes and wards all over the world. And these men and women are called to address the concerns of this generation and apply these concerns to how we can live the Restored Gospel. The first principles of the Gospel, the which are having faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, and repentance, are simple in doctrine, but can be challenging to live in an ever-changing world. And because of the authority by which these men and women are called, these are truly the words of God, answering the prayers of His children in these latter days.

Elder Nelson in particular, from Conference, posed three questions.
1. What would your life be like without the Book of Mormon?
2. What would you not know?
3. What would you not have?

If you have read the Book of Mormon, consider these questions for yourself, member of the Church or not. If you have not, read it, ponder it, and pray about it. If you do that, you can only experience blessings.

Truly, if this book was not true, I would not have anything that I have right now, and I mean literally, unless by the grace of God I were to be snatched into the path I am on. If the Book of Mormon was not true, I would not have the family I have now. I was adopted via LDS Family Serivces. This is a family organization which is run by the direction and revelation of the Priesthood. The Priesthood was restored by Joseph Smith, whose authority came from Jesus Christ. If the Book of Mormon was not true, then Joseph Smith did not have the power to translate it, therefore was not called of God. And if Joseph Smith was not a Prophet, the Priesthood would not be on the Earth, And if the Priesthood was not here, the LDS Family Services organization would not be run by the Priesthood, nor would be an organization at all. And if the Book of Mormon wasn't true, my parents would not be members either, nor would have my birthmother. If the Book of Mormon wasn't true, I might be here on the Earth on this time, but I would not have the family that I have now. And if I was not born into the family which I have now, I would not have moved to Oregon, and to California, and to Oregon again. I would not have any of the friends that I have now. I would not have any of the experiences that I have had up to this point which have blessed the life that I have. I would not know how to play the piano. I would not be serving a mission. I would not have any of the blessings of which God has given me.

I am who I am because the Book of Mormon is true. I know my parents know it is true. I know my birthmother knew it is true. I know Joseph Smith knew it was true. And I know for myself that it is true. The Book of Mormon is a divine book, which testifies of the divinity of Christ. It is written of and by those who lived in the Americas, and knew of the Christ, years and years before and after His Resurrection. The men who inscribed the plates from which the book was translated were inspired, educated, and righteous disciples of Christ, changed by the grace of our Lord through His Son's Atonement, and they had a firm faith in Him even years before His birth. Whoever reads this book and treasures its precepts and applies them to their character with diligent study and fervent prayer will, and this is a promise, feel the Savior's love, and come to know Him, and be more like Him.

I am not a perfect person, but I do know that I am changed by the grace of God, and I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ was for me, as it is for everyone else. The Book of Mormon teaches that a man must have faith in Christ and repent. I know only a part of the process through which a man can be as changed by the grace of God as Nephi or Alma or Moroni, but I know from the part which I have taken, I have experienced fruits. I am a significantly happier, more cheerful, more willing to improve, more focused, and more faithful in my Savior because I have read this book and pondered about it. I invite all to take the invitation of our beloved prophet Thomas S. Monson, to read the book, and study it, and apply it to yourself.

I will probably not write as much in the coming weeks but I will still strive to share what I know and what I have experienced. This for everyone to read.

I hope everyone has a swell week this week!
(If you happen to have my email, tell me how life is going for you!)

Elder Braden K. Dredge
Guatemala Guatemala City East Mission

PS:  For those of you wanting to "write" to Elder Dredge here is his email address:  It's the only way he can receive "love and support" letters from anyone.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Wednesday, 27 September 2017 ~ Week #9

It is actually super weird to think that I have only been in a new country for just a little over 2 months. 2 months doesn't seem like long but it feels like I have been here for at least half of year. Regardless, I only have 11 more chunks of two months.

My main worries up to this point have been, well, not working hard enough in one day, not knowing what to say or do (especially say) in certain situations, and not having the right mindset or heart. Every day I feel like I could do more as I am serving with my companion, especially since at the moment I am still kind of the quiet companion, not always knowing how to respond or what the person talking to me is saying. And as I am going from appointment to appointment I want to talk a little more to the people on the street, but often I am a bit afraid because I either don't have anything to say or I do but I don't want to say it in fear of the response. And not having the right heart has an impact on that because I am truly anxious to open my mouth about the message of the Restored Gospel but I feel that it is overzealous to limit conversation only to preaching it, and I fear that preaching it without addressing the concerns of those who I talk to would be extinguishing the Spirit and not be teaching in the Savior's way. I know that this might seem a bit downgrading but missionaries are human too, and I feel like expressing my feelings gives a better look at what serving a mission is like.

Nonetheless, truly I am happy, and I am singing hymns and saying hello to everyone on the street, and I am excited to see how the Lord uses my strengths and abilities and turns my weaknesses into strengths. The Lord gives promises to all who keep His commandments, and it is true that when those who are called to the Lord's work, in whatever way, are changed and strengthened according to how well they magnify their calling. There truly is a law in Heaven, and there are immediate blessings in each covenant that the Lord makes with His sons and daughters.

More than this, just in general, the Gospel is truly a constant source of strength in any time. In this life we are meant to have trials and suffering and opposition of all sorts, but the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ allows for us to withstand it, as Christ suffered all of this for us. Opposition brings us to our Savior when we have faith in Him, and times of peace bring us to our Savior when we are thankful to Him. Every day, every hour of our lives, we can turn to our Savior, praying to our Heavenly Father in prayer for the strength that we need and thanking Him for the blessings we have.

Anyway, yes, I have been struggling with the language a little bit. Thankfully I have progressed from retaining 50, 60% of all the words I hear, to close to 90%! However, if I don't hear the first words of a sentence, I don't understand any of it... and this was my problem back at home anyway. So language study is a really key component to my progress in my utility as a missionary, and probably the most important thing, to be frank. And with my companion we have been struggling to contact just because of the nature of the area... A lot of people around here have not studied in school or have limited education, so they have jobs that do not pay as much, but they still have to provide for their families. Because of this, they work long hours. Many are security guards and spend one day awake and one day resting. No one is out during the afternoon usually. The night is really the key time to go out and work. And even in the night, there are people who still are not available and have only weekends. It is a bit surprising how hard it is sometimes to really find people to teach but we work with our circumstances and strive to do better every day to make use of the time.

I can't go without mentioning that part of my calling as a missionary in this particular area is to teach the members how to play piano, which is super super super super exciting for me. There are currently no members in my ward that play so for the past couple weekends I have taught about 9 people how to start, and some of the basics. It is a little bit hard how we do it because we have only one piano in the building and we teach 7 people at the same time for 2 hours but we make it work somehow. Thankfully we will get two more pianos to use so that more can be happening at once in one lesson, haha. Though this is only a weekly thing, this can benefit a lot the members here. Music is an important part of worship, and when there is even one member that can play hymns, the congregation can benefit all the more, as the Lord delights in the solemn worshop of singing hymns, and the song of the righteous is a prayer unto our Heavenly Father.

That is pretty much all I have for this week! I hope everyone who reads this has a great week too!

Elder Dredge

Elder Braden K. Dredge
Guatemala Guatemala City East Mission

Elder Cortes (from Nicaragua), trainer & Elder Dredge

Monday, 8 July 2019 ~ Week #102

HELLO EVERYONE!!!! This is officially the last weekly epistle that I will send on my mission! Let me just offer you all a look and how m...