Saturday, July 29, 2017

Wednesday, July 26, 2017 ~ Made it to the MTC!

Hi Mom, Hi Dad!

I'm here at the MTC right now, and I made it safely! Just feeling a little parched since Guatemala City is a bit elevated and I've been trying to drink a little more water. Most of us did not get any sleep between getting off the plane and eating breakfast, so we are a bit worn out. I was one of the last missionaries to enter the MTC so I was a bit lost but I think I'm caught up now. We are not fully in Spanish mode yet but we will be getting there shortly today.

From PDX to LAX I was the only Elder. I did have a good conversation with the person sitting next to me though. Her name was Rachel, she studies Biochem at Lewis and Clark and runs triathlons. She was visiting family in Cali. She identifies as agnostic slash athiest but she was still open to conversing with me about things missionaries do and have to do to prepare for leaving.

From LAX to GUA I was with a bunch of Elders. We all got a burger together and socialized. There was at least 40 of us. It was awesome.

I will make sure to pray hard! I will need it!


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

10 weeks sure have flown by. It seems like only yesterday we were  anxiously waiting for Braden to open his mission call and now we are saying goodbye him at the Portland Airport.  Emotions have been close to the surface all day and yet I have been trying to stay strong and supportive.  As we left the airport it still didn't seem real.  We went to grab a bite at "Wendy's" and suddenly Olivia asked, "Where's Braden?"  We all had a good laugh.  Couldn't sleep and so I went into Braden's room and laid down on his bed for a few minutes.  Praying all is well and you have made your connection in LA.  Godspeed, Elder!

Monday, 8 July 2019 ~ Week #102

HELLO EVERYONE!!!! This is officially the last weekly epistle that I will send on my mission! Let me just offer you all a look and how m...