Sunday, June 16, 2019

Monday, 10 June 2019 ~ Week #98

My fellow Gringo brothers and sisters, how is everyone doing?

This week I actually didn't write too much in my diary, but that doesn't meant it wasn't that less special! We had the great blessing to get to know and serve many more members from the ward by way of the lunch and dinner calendar that we made in the ward council this last week. It was awesome!

As to investigators, here's what we have. We have Gustavo, who is a very bright, polite and spiritual kid, 12 years old, whose sister has been supporting him a lot more now than she has before, and whose nephews (her sons) are also learning with us. He's received the missionaries for a while, so we went through the baptismal interview with him, and the only problems he had was knowing who the prophet was, and remembering some commandments. And apart from that, we are just making sure he and his family has friends in Church, and we have been able to get some kids to take him to mutual. He's a really good kid. The worst thing he has ever done was take a bag of money that a man left which he was going to give to him after a thirty minute wait, expecting that the man who drove away from it would come back. Aaaand he spent the money.
"Gustavo, did you feel bad for doing that," we asked, laughing because he was telling the story so innocently.
"Don't do it again then!"

We also have Hector who has been struggling with lots of things. He had some operations on his hands in the weeks before, but thankfully he had healed. Unfortunately, this week he began to work again, and so we haven't seen him for ten days. Thankfully he has also developed a lot of confidence in the Young Single Adults group through the chat they invited him on, and they have been super consistent! Unfortunately, he hasn't been able to go to the activities. But that's not the real problem. What's more unfortunate is that he has an addiction to alcohol and smoking which he desperately wants to get rid of but hasn't yet been able to. Moreover, his aunt died this last weekend, so he is even more down, and has been missing out on Church at the same time. He is going through a real hard point. Thankfully, the YSA have been sending him messages of hope, and reminding him that things will be alright.

I am very humbled to be working here. I am seeing the Lord do so much for His children. Seeing how He has been taking so good care of His children while we haven't fully been able to due to schedule conflicts, I feel even more convinced that I need to be working harder! I will fully admit, I think I got a little bit tired physically, and because of that I haven't been so diligent. And because of that lack of diligence, I have felt like a slacker. And because of that, I haven't felt so much of the Spirit. That is something I want to change.

This is something that I have taught better in previous letters, but is something I desire to teach better than ever these last four weeks of my full time service. It doesn't matter how many will progress, because the message of the Gospel is for everyone. Yes, we need to give more focus and minister more to those who will progress more spiritually, but we cannot leave everyone else behind. EVERYONE NEEDS THE GOSPEL, and EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE INVITED TO IT. It begins with an imperfect believer of Jesus Christ talking about Him and about His life, and about their own life, allowing others to observe how their live is affected by His. It begins with that, and then what happens? Seeds are planted, and plants are nourished. Let's be more diligent in the cause of Christ, repent, strengthen our testimonies, sanctify ourselves, and do all we can to have the Spirit with us, so that we can do it better! This is my message to you, my brothers and sisters, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Have a wonderful, beautiful, spiritual week!

Your servant,
Elder Dredge

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Monday, 8 July 2019 ~ Week #102

HELLO EVERYONE!!!! This is officially the last weekly epistle that I will send on my mission! Let me just offer you all a look and how m...