Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018 ~ Week #23

Hey everybody! Happy New Year!

Well, this has been a strange but very quaint feeling I have experienced. This morning, I realized something different about this year and the past. The past year, I was full time missionary only late July onward. This year, I'm a full time missionary all year. That means that while I had memories of the life before the mission in the same year the last year, this year I am starting completely new.

I am so, so thankful for the opportunity to serve a mission. It is so tough at times. Physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. I feel wearied in two senses or more at once a lot. But I always start anew everyday. And I am learning more every day how to be a better missionary, and how to be a better disciple of Christ. And I feel a change very tangible, of which I can draw a line from last January to this January. I feel more in control of my thoughts, feelings and emotions. I have cried, but I have not yet wept sorely, in the time during which I have served. I have been able to laugh and make others laugh even during some hard days. I have been able to keep my faith, even when I see the same discouragements and failures happen every day. I just have yet to learn more, and continue to be more open to receive the grace of God.

My dear brothers and sisters, baptized in the Church or not, I hope that as I write, I don't sound to be a hypocrite. I write to my folks at home so that I can spread the message of cheer and hope to all that I know. I too struggle, and strive, through effort and failure, to more completely keep the commandments of the God of whom I confess. It is a glorious and wonderful message with a difficult commitment, the which as I extend to those with whom I speak I too strive each day to keep. But it is confirmed by the Spirit, because that which is truth, the Spirit testifies. And this selfsame Spirit helps us become stronger in every way.

This message is that Christ lives, and truly does speak to prophets today even as He has done before. He has bestowed upon the earth once again His power, and has given to all who are worthy to receive, that the kingdom of God might be built. We have a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants to speak to us, and we can speak to Him through constant prayer -- any time, any place, any where. He knows us personally and has a plan for all of us. The evidence that these things are true is in the Book of Mormon. If we read this book with faith, and pray with faith it is true, we will know thereby by the Holy Ghost (Moroni 10:3-5). And again, I say, Christ lives today. He awaits us to repent, that we might receive His forgiveness, and experience the miracle of His pardon. He has suffered what we suffered, and has payed the price for that which we have done wrong; and now all that he asks is that we come unto Him, bear His burden, and receive His rest. He asks us to have faith in Him, repent, be baptized in His name, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and endure to the end. And this is the path htrough which He wants us to follow. A glorious message with a difficult commitment so it is, but the selfsame Savior I preach as His servant is the selfsame Savior that helps His people keep His covenant. As sons and daughters of God, we are all equally given the opportunity to change, drop the past and come unto Christ. It doesn't matter what family or background we are from, whatever race, whatever traditions or beliefs, whatever kind of person we are, the hands of God are extended constantly, and He awaits us to come back home. I know that these things are true, and I testify of them, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

As we think about the New Year, allow me to share a video which my mom mentioned to me in her email. It is called Look Not Behind Thee, sharing the account of Lot's wife. I love this message because it is reminder that the Lord too wants us to look forward and move on. Here's the link:

Folks, have a happy new year!

Elder Dredge

P.S. I am going to try to share a few videos of the fireworks from el Feliz Año Nuevo en Guatemala. Asi dice aqui en Guatemala, es super chilero, mis amigos. Yo pienso que es mas grande que yo he visto en todo mi vida.

Elder Braden K. Dredge
Guatemala Guatemala City East Mission

P.S.S. -- Unfortunately I was unable to add the video to the blog.  Sorry, still learning to work this blog thing.  <3 Debbie (Elder Dredge's mom)

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