How was your week? This one went by strangely fast for me. There has still been some commotion with the volcanoes, but don't worry about me in terms of that. We only received ash for two days. But we have been offering lots of service to the folks over there in Esquintla. The members of the Church over here have been helping out a lot in shipping materials, packages and clothes to our brothers and sisters over there. We as the missionaries just helped pack. But I am thankful to be a member of a Church that cares for itself and cares for the poor and afflicted.
This week was hard, and very testing on our faith. We are falling a bit into a routine and we are in need of changing it, and receiving revelation more. So I just want to share a thought on faith. Let us remember that faith is not just belief, but is action. If I believe I can lift that pencil on the desk, I will do it, and that is by the faith that I had to lift the pencil. But faith in Christ is different. If I believe I can push a mountain, and I push it, I might not get so far. But if I believe Christ can, then I can do my part to push that mountain. Though I can't push that mountain, God can. That is faith in Christ. I would invite you all to reflect on how we can be more faithful followers of Jesus Christ, believing in His divine mission and our ability to follow Him. I know that Christ lives. He has given me more strength than my own to bring to pass His purposes. I have seen it in the walking and the talking of my companion and I, nevertheless more importantly in the changes of the lives of the folks we talk to. That isn't by us. The people don't change their lives for the missionaries. They change their lives for Christ. It is slow many times the progress on that hill of these people we teach, but they are climbing it. I know that this is Christ's work, the work that I have been privileged to take on. I know that He died for us, and helps us every day to become more like Him. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Have a wonderful week, everyone! Count your blessings always, in good times and bad times, please!
Elder Dredge
Elder Braden K. Dredge
Guatemala Guatemala City East Mission
This the northern part of their area of Zone 18
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