Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Monday, 20 May 2019 ~ Week #95

Weekly Letter 95

Hello world!!!

I'm so happy to be able to speak to you this week.

It was a very interesting week, and was very fun at the same time. We worked in two areas this time, Juana de Arco and Lomas del Norte. They are both areas which are struggling, and because of this these two elders are assigned to them both. Well we went there as an experiment to see if they are good for having a companionship each assigned there. The main challenge in both, particularly Lomas, has been the support from the members in the work. But as we strived to get more of their support, we were able to teach more people, and encourage the leaders a little more to work with us.

Here are some special experiences.
1. First day, Elder Schandin (4 months in the mission, 20 years old, from Argentina) and I attended a ward correlation meeting. Unfortunately not everyone came, and it ended up being an informal meeting. However, while we were there, we began to come up with ideas for a "plan of action" but only as a joke. I was writing on that board, PLAN OF ACTION LOMAS DEL NORTE 2019-2020, which goals such as STRONGER TESTIMONIES, MORE CONVERTED MINISTERS, MORE READING OF THE BOOK OF MORMON. After that, we thought of some ideas to put them into practice, and we included how to use the ministration program and change the pairs to help less actives become ministers in a process, and how to involve the Book of Mormon in our appointments with members. The ward leaders that were there were impressed, took photos and shared ideas. We added a section for training, as to how to improve the quality of the carrying out of the tasks. One of them told us, "Elders, whatever you need us to do, we will do it. This looks like it can work. We will discuss this." In that moment, they saw what desires we had to bring the ward up and inspire them to make specific plans to become again more involved in the mission work.
2. Second day, Elder Earl (6 months in the mission, 18 years old, from Hawaii) finished an appointment with the Tobar family, which is a family that has received the missionaries for a year, but without much progress. Alan Tobar, the father of the family, is the only member of the Church, but he doesn't want to identify with it. He never let his family to learn about the Gospel in the past, and yet he has liberally allowed them to watch movies with him, eat dinner, sit around and do nothing, or chat with them about whatever. He has been the great stumblingblock. Notwithstanding, he really is a nice guy. And he has a very loving wife and a cheerful, youthful son who plays the guitar. In that moment, I strived to gain their confidence myself so that we could talk with them. I took a moment to play the guitar for the family (I played Classical Gas by I cannot remember the artist), and they enjoyed it. We took a moment to talk with them a lot, with a constant prayer to God to do what He needs me to do. We eventually asked how their experience has been receiving the missionaries in the past. The father told me, "Well, alright, what have you heard?" I told him that though I hadn't been in the area for too long, I was able to tell him that I understood that it has been difficult for the missionaries to teach them. He admitted so. Moments later we found ourselves talking about faith. Now the mother was raised Catholic but doesn't attend mass. The son doesn't have a church to go to but he believes in God. We shared with them as much as they would understand about faith, including that if the faith is not placed in the right thing, it cannot grow nor be nourished, and that to grow ones faith, one must have 1) belief that God exists, 2) a correct understanding of His true nature, and 3) a knowledge that one is doing His will. At the end no one had questions. But Elder Earl did. He was wondering why covenants were so important for salvation, and why the gift of the Holy Ghost is necessary to be purified. He asked me things about the resurrection and about the Spirit that had been bothering him and brought him to assume that eternal life could be gained by whoever desires to follow Christ and serve others, and nothing more, nothing with covenants. I helped him understand these things, and he was thankful for my explanation. Some things were hard to accept at first, but in the end he was able to understand. He was the most converted in that moment.
3. I wish I could give account of what happened after that, the second appointment. But in summary, by way of using the very knowledge Alan had about the Gospel, we showed his family that He has knowledge and a testimony of the things we were talking about with them, and by way of quoting his own commentaries we helped them understand what the Book of Mormon was, what its important is along with the Bible, and pulled up the Book of Mormon childrens animated videos on their TV screen (the comment "Let's watch a movie!" was used strategically here). In a way, Alan felt defeated, because he knew that his knowledge of the Gospel comes out naturally even without wanting to, and was able to see that the very testimony he needs to revive can help his own family become converted to the Gospel. His wife and son are both more than willing to come to know the Book of Mormon more. The first time in a year or more, this family has finally learned more about the Gospel.

I am thankful for the power of the Spirit in our lessons. I am thankful for the power of prayer. I know and recognize that I am not a perfect servant, but as I have come to accept my imperfections and understand the Atonement more, I have felt more peace and happiness in life, and more satisfaction in my work, and I have been able to feel the Spirit more. I know that the Gospel is true. I know that the Savior reigns. I know that Heavenly Father loves His children, and works through His faithful servants and disciples to bless His children and help them come unto Him. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Have a beautiful week, my dear brothers and sisters!

Your friend,
Elder Dredge

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Monday, 13 May 2019 ~ Week #94

Weekly Letter #94

Hey everybody!

How's everyone doing? Well here I am in the capital, and I'm going to yet another area. Though this week felt particularly fast, we found miracles, and we're very pleased with what we were able to do with the elders in Llanos de Santa Maria, Elder Fajardo and Elder Cardenas. In the process, we were able to make many new friends, earn ourselves two brothers in Christ, and help them become even more effective missionaries.

Just to share one cool moment from this week: In one occasion we met with a contact Brenda, and as we handed her a Bible to read Amos 3:7, she asked us, "Is that a normal Bible?" A moment after, I had to ask her, "That was a really good question that you asked right there. What motivated you to ask it?" We then started talking about how there exists different interpretations of the Bible and why, and then we taught her about how the Bible is the words of the prophets, and how the words of the prophets are the words of God. We then explained to her the love that God has for us, and how He desires to continue to speak to us. We all felt the Spirit, and she was able to understand our message.

Our Heavenly Father desires to have a real, sincere, and close relationship with all of us. He always blesses us because He loves us; notwithstanding He desires to bless us with even more love. We can do that if we read the words of His prophets, and take those words as His words. And every prayer that we say sincerely to Him, He listens. And He responds. Let us remember that. Be sincere with Him as you speak to Him, and be curious as you learn from Him. I promise every one of you that if you do so, you will be blessed, and you will be happy in His service.

I testify of the Savior's atoning power, which has allowed me to find solace in even the hardest of times. It is a manifestation of our Father's love for us, and still applies today. I know that Jesus Christ lives. He continues to lead us, and He continues to plan for us, offering us the experiences we need to come unto Him. Of these things I testify in His name, even Jesus Christ, amen.

Have a wonderful week, my brothers and sisters!

Yours truly,
Elder Dredge

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Monday, 6 May 2019 ~ Week #93

Weekly Letter #93

Hey everybody!

This week was just another cool week as a viajero. We are now ending our stay in Esquipulas, Guatemala, which is basically the Catholic center of the whole country. It's very interesting. Probably the safest place I've ever been in. The people are obviously very religious and indeed put in a lot of effort to decorate their homes. The people are also particularly warm and friendly.

As I came to know this people, I found a common need among those I taught. A good number of these people, who have grown up in the Catholic faith, completely surrounded by paintings, pictures, accesories, decorations, traditions, and festivals, find themselves more is participants of activities, and not so much participants of the faith. They feel unsure and thus insecure in their faith in Christ, yet they desire more as they hear testimonies about him. They feel insecure thus in their decision to follow him, because perhaps their family would judge them.

But among these, there are those who want to change their lives and develop more faith in Christ. It's beautiful. And even in just this week who expressed that as they searched the Book of Mormon. Marisol, the daughter in law of a member, took ten minutes with us to make sure she understood every word she didn't understand in the introduction of the book. Jenny, a friend of another member, read a whole chapter and everything about a topic the same night we gave her the assignment. Veronica, the mother of an investigator, was interested in not just giving her daughter permission to be baptized, but also in her own salvation, and to learn about baptism for herself. All of these investigators were indeed Catholics, but willing to change.

And this is exactly what I have seen in the members here. The members in Esquipulas are amazing. They help the missionaries so much because they were so convinced of their errors and so happy because of the forgiveness that they could feel as they accepted the Gospel that they would do anything that they can to share the Gospel. They are such a happy and friendly people as a result. The recent converts and recently returned missionaries from here have the freshest, most powerful testimonies. It was such an experience.

It reminds me of the Scripture in Mosiah 27:25.
 25 And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;

Truly, if we want to follow Christ, we must be born again. This doesn't mean just being baptized, though it is important, but also desiring the companionship of the Holy Ghost. This means desiring to experience a spiritual confirmation of the knowledge of the truth, as well as a personal conversion to it, so that you cannot fall from the path set by Christ's example. This is something we can all do, if we just recognize our need for Him.

We are a people, separated from the presence of God in an apostate world. How, then, can we even have the hope to return to God's presence following the examples of those around us, and relying solely on their words? Even so, our thoughts become our words, which become our actions, which become our habits, which become our character, which become our destiny. Thus, if we do not strive to make our thoughts more like God's thoughts, how can we hope to reach God's presence? But if we seek to change not just our thoughts, but rather the way that we think, by studying the Scriptures, which are God's thoughts and words, then our minds will be filled with them and produce more, even that our lives might be abundant trees unto eternal life, and thus we might be able to return to His presence.

Let us remember these things, and ponder the example of the Savior. I testify that He lives. I testify that He still guides us through His called and inspired leaders of His Church, and that the Book of Mormon contains His words and His Gospel. I know that He died for me, and lives to comfort me in need, and guide me to help me follow Him more.

I will remember Mother's Day with reverence. It will take me a lifetime to fully obey all the words my Mom left me with. But I know that she is there and has comforted me and helped me to grow. She was a great lady, and a fantastic teacher, and a passionate, dedicated servant. She was a great friend. I loved her as my Mom, because that who she was for me.

My brothers and sisters, have a wonderful week. Love your mothers, and do something good for them this week. And let's be happy, and be glad because of the wonderful blessings that our Heavenly Father brings us everyday!

Your chapin friend,
Elder Dredge

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Monday, 29 April 2019 ~ Week #92

Weekly Letter #92

Hey, hey, hey! Well, if it isn't my friends and family who are on the other side of Mexico! How's everyone doing?

This week was a long and very interesting week. We, Elder Unruh and I, went to work in Gualan, which is an area I worked in for three months, and we helped both companionships there, with more focus on the newer one. It was somewhat frustrating, because they didn't know we were coming, and they didn't totally feel a need for our help. And it was understandable, because the conditions of the area were really not that bad. However, we did strive to help them teach better, and be more obedient, because we saw that there was more need for that than working with members.As a result, we were able to help out in really all aspects. But now, we just hope that what they learned will stick with them. This experience, in that way, was a bit different than the last week with the elders in Los Almendros.

But overall, I feel like I was able to do what I was sent to do. I feel satisfied. Maybe not totally joyful, but I do feel satisfied, and I am at peace.

And this is a particular blessing of the Gospel I was able to learn more about, just being at peace with oneself, feeling like you've done what you had to do. Don't we know that our Heavenly Father always watches over us? Let's remember that, and consider the things that we do each day. Our Heavenly Father has great love for us. We could not comprehend how loving He is, in fact. His love is greater than any other power in this universe. And He feels that love for us, as our Father.

Nevertheless, we couldn't feel it until we speak with Him, listen to Him, and do what He says, striving to be as He is. That's how we develop our relationship with Him. We can increase our knowledge of who He is through the Scriptures, as well as a knowledge of what He desires of us, and the way that He thinks of His children and blesses them. We can change the way that we think so that our thoughts are more loving towards others, towards God, and towards ourselves. And from there, our words can change, our actions can change; indeed, our habits, character, and our destiny can change all as a result.

Even so, we can understand the way the Savior thinks by reading His words, and we can become more like Him as we act upon that new way in which we think. What a wonderful process it is!

I bare my testimony of the divinity of the Savior and that He lives. I know that His Gospel is true, and that it is found in the Book of Mormon. I know that this is His Church. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

My brothers and sisters, have a wonderful, beautiful week, and a wonderful day. Do your best every day.

Elder Dredge

Monday, 8 July 2019 ~ Week #102

HELLO EVERYONE!!!! This is officially the last weekly epistle that I will send on my mission! Let me just offer you all a look and how m...