Sunday, April 28, 2019

Tuesday, 23 April 2019 ~ Week #91

Weekly Letter 91

Hey everyone!!! Happy Easter!!!

I hope that we were able to just take a moment to reflect on perhaps the most important week in history, which was the last week of the Savior's mortal life. That is a week that affects every week and every day of our own lives. 

Can we all just meditate in gratitude at least 5 minutes, just thinking about the Savior's sacrifice, and what the Savior had done for us today? Can we do that every day? Because, when we think about it, if we really think about the short term and long term impact of what the Savior did on a regular daily basis, and we think about what we would be without it, we would have no reason to not be grateful!

This week was a week of miracles, as I had just accepted an assignment as a viajero (traveler), in the which assignment I go with my assigned companion to do divisions with the elders in an area for just one week to help the conditions of the area improve and give the missionaries some experience, and then to another area for another week, and then another area another week, etc. And there were so many miracles as a result. We started with a "desanimado" ward, with missionaries who were not having success. We took some members with us, taking an inventory of all investigators, members and less actives and converts that they knew, and we wanted to increase it all, helping the investigators develop friendships with the members. Overall it was an awesome week, with lots of spiritual experiences. President Christensen was impressed. So now I will be going with a different companion, to an area in which I already served, which is Gualan. It's been struggling a lot in the last couple months. But I'm excited! I'm excited because I now have more experience in the mission, and so I could try some new things, and help the missionaries at the same time. It will be another rewarding experience.

I didn't think I would get an assignment which would allow me to establish the Church literally wherever I go, and now that I do, I will do my best to inspire faith in the Atonement in as many missionaries, investigators and members that I can. I love this Church, I love this Gospel, and I love the Savior. I know that His Gospel is true, and that His Church is here on the earth. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a wonderful week! And don't forget to count your blessings!

Elder Dredge

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Monday, 15 April 2019 ~ Week #90

Editor's Note:  Braden was transferred on April 15th, and given a new assignment.  Here is a portion of his letter referring to his next adventure.  Braden should be resuming his regular posts next week.

Week #90
These next 6 weeks, I'll be taking on a special assignment, as one of 4 elders and 2 sisters who will be traveling to different parts of the mission to help younger missionaries and strengthen their leadership abilities and help them improve in every aspect of the mission work, going to a different area each week of the transfer to help those missionaries. This will only be a couple transfers, because we are losing around 40 missionaries these next couple months, and only few will be coming in, so we need to share our experience with even more missionaries. Instead of doing splits for just one day, we will be doing them all week with a select companionship each week so that they can learn even more. It will be tough, but I am confident that this is what the Lord needs me to do for this transfer. I'm a bit nervous, but really excited.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Monday, 8 April 2019 ~ Week #89

Weekly Letter #89

Beloved brothers and sisters,

How is everyone doing? Elder Dredge is doing great. I am so glad for the oppurtunity to be serving here, in Zacapa, Guatemala, at this time in my life. We are starting to see many miracles as a result of our efforts to delegate responsabilities to the members and therefore build the kingdom here in Zacapa. We are able to bring many investigators to this general conference as a result, which was, by the way, a spectacular conference. And yet, I feel humbled. The more people we allow to engage in the mission work, the less we need to do out of all that must be done, and yet more lives we bless. In the end, it is the Lord that does His work.

I love this Scripture in Moroni 3.
1 The manner which the disciples, who were called the elders of the church, ordained priests and teachers—
2 After they had prayed unto the Father in the name of Christ, they laid their hands upon them, and said:
3 In the name of Jesus Christ I ordain you to be a priest (or if he be a teacher, I ordain you to be a teacher) to preach repentance and remission of sins through Jesus Christ, by the endurance of faith on his name to the end. Amen.
4 And after this manner did they ordain priests and teachers, according to the gifts and callings of God unto men; and they ordained them by the power of the Holy Ghost, which was in them.

This is how the Church is established; by ordaining worthy men to receive power from God to do His work. This is how the Lord blesses all of His children. He gives us the chance to do His work, and as a result, the people we serve become more converted to the Gospel, we become more converted to the Gospel, and the Lord is pleased.

None of this would happen, nonetheless, without the example of our Savior, and His Atonement. It is His ministry to do the will of the Father in all things, and allow for all mankind to return to the presence of God, by exhorting them to follow Him. How beautiful, and how wonderful is the plan that our Heavenly Father has for us. We can particiate too, if we choose to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repent, be baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. I know that this is His Gospel, and His Church. I know that Jesus lives, and is my Savior and Guide. I love him. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Have a wonderful week!

Yours truly,
Elder Dredge

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Monday, 1 April 2019 ~ Week #88

Weekly Letter 88

My wonderful friends and family,

What a crazy week! We started off with a leaders' meeting and a doctor's appointment in the capital, and that was already three days of our week. But we were still on the Lord's errand. There were lots of things talked about in the meeting, things which we are already applying to change the mission to help it improve and renew the "animo" that our missionaries have to follow the counsel of our President. Many have said that every week we fall into a pattern and that the things we really want to improve in the mission are not improving as much, and why? Because of giving the same counsel, in the same way, expecting different results.

I'm not sure what more I can say about the work, really. Right now we're in the same process, working with members, sharing messages with them in their houses, sharing devotionals at meetings and activities, going out with them to visit, asking for referrals whenever possible. I worked in my actual area three days, and worked in another area two other days. The other two were getting there to the capital, and getting back from it, including the meeting and the doctor's appointment. It's been pretty wild, but now I feel accustomed to get to work wherever I am to help establish the Church. I love being a missionary. I'm never going to stop being a missionary.

I just want to share something that my wonderful companion Elder Marino has been teaching me. We have had a good deal of our own personal afflictions, struggling with sickness, stress, loss, and other pains, and we have both learned from each other a lot. Our companionship has molded the two of us to make him a more patient and peaceful person, and me a more focused and firm man. A lesson that he taught me this week was very valuable. I had done a lot of things to help myself with my stress, and yet my companion told me to do just one more thing: to talk to the stress psychologist. I realized that I had justified myself, telling myself that I was okay, even after everything I have been doing, and yet he told me that I need to do not just what I want to do to resolve my problem, but everything else that I need to do. I had talked with the psychologist before, but I did it because my President invited me to do so and gave me her number. Now it is a different person, and I was in a different situation, but nevertheless I was in need. Turns out, in the end I was taking care of my stress well, and that I just need to keep doing what I feel like I need to do, whether it is walking for a moment, taking a breather, talking with my companion, etc. Elder Marino was right. This was an experience that helped me to mature a lot.

Apart from that, I have been striving to be more engaged in the moment. Elder Marino always says, "We have to learn from the past, plan for the future, and live in the now." He had a hard trial too, and lost something very valuable. It was a source of great stress when he realized he lost it. I made sure that he could at least relieve himself of the stress, and he was getting a lot better. I helped him to see how the advice he had given me applied to him. That is the summary of the way we strengthen our companionship, and it is awesome. So I have been trying to live more in the present, and it has been awesome. It is something that has to be practiced, but in the end it is the way to be more happy.

I am thankful for the Gospel in my life. And after all of these lessons of life I'm learning, it is the grace of the Savior that allows an imperfect person like me, to become like my Heavenly Father one day. It requires patience. It requires effort. It requires lots of prayer, and a good deal of scripture study, with a strict daily routine to receive different impressions. In the end, it is worth, because the Gospel works. And by that, I mean, Heavenly Father's plan is perfect, His church is growing and led by inspiration, and His Son is actively engaged in our salvation every day. The Atonement is not just something that happen 2000 years ago. It was brought to pass by the Son of God - a living, breathing, perfect and resurrected being who is also a spiritual son of our same Father - who continues to grant us pardon and strength every day. Let us remember these things, and take some time, even 5 minutes, every day, to think about what He's done for us. I can promise you - yes, you - that He has done many things. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Have a wonderful week!

Elder Dredge

Monday, April 1, 2019

Wednesday, 27 March 2019 ~ Week #87

Weekly Letter #87

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters,

This week was a wild week. This Wednesday we talked with Aura, our investigator whose son is on the mission in El Salvador. She said she wanted to go to the temple this following month. We talked with the bishop and we found that we could make it possible. And thanks to the wonderful help of those who worked with us to help her have spiritual experiences with the Gospel, especially the amazing sisters from the Relief Society, she was ready to be baptized, and the service was held just this last Saturday.

I feel very relieved, after several weeks of working in Las Flores, now that we could finally baptize -- but not only baptizing, but establishing the Church in the process. We have tried so many different things, and we were finally able to get different results. We are not alone in the work of the Lord, and because of that the Lord can bring to pass more miracles.

Over everything, I cannot give very much credit to myself. Elder Marino and I have thought about different things we can do, and we have been trying them, but it is the Lord who directs the work and inspires us. We are nothing in comparison to Him. It is His plan, not ours. We exercise our faith and make our plans, and then the Lord does His own. That is the beauty of the mission work, and that is the beauty of being a follower of Christ.

During the transcourse of this week, there were additional loads of stress added to my back, things which I could not say, but I was able to find consolation and peace in the grace of the Savior Jesus Christ, and I was able to find perspective in the plan He has for us. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve as a missionary, helping others to find the peace and perspective and joy that I can find as a disciple of Christ. I would like to share a song which I wrote, which for now will be a poem.

Heavenly Father Has a Plan

The world is designed so carefully under His hand;
Its motion is timed in ways I can't understand,
And nothing can move without His wise and tender command.
Surely my Heavenly Father has a plan for me, Heavenly Father.

People pass on away to the other side.
Messengers come and welcome them to the light.
Preparing their hearts to match the type of life they desire.
Surely my Heavenly Father has a plan for them, Heavenly Father.

We make mistakes to learn how to choose the right.
Corrected and chastened, He wants us to be like Him.
Through voices and books, He teaches how to live like His Son.
Surely my Heavenly Father has a plan for us, Heavenly Father.

He wants to forgive us and guide and protect us,
But couldn't accept us without using justice.
But only a God could take on all the weight of our blame;
Only the Christ could bleed the blood required to save us.
Only the Christ could die and live to lead us and love us.
Only the Christ could comfort and comprehend us.
Surely my Heavenly Father has a plan for me;
Heavenly Father has a plan for us, Heavenly Father.

I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

My brothers and sisters, have a wonderful week!

Your friend,
Elder Dredge

Monday, 8 July 2019 ~ Week #102

HELLO EVERYONE!!!! This is officially the last weekly epistle that I will send on my mission! Let me just offer you all a look and how m...